Car Insurance for Learner’s Permit: A Detailed Guide

By Randy Luton | Last Updated: 06/06/2024

Key Insights:

  • You need a learner’s permit to start driving officially but the requirements for the permit vary a lot.
  • You have to buy car insurance for learner’s permit.
  • The cost to buy an auto insurance policy for driving with a learner permit can be high compared to others.
  • There are some discounts available that a learning driver can leverage to get affordable rates.

Excited to drive your first car with a learner’s permit? Confused about whether you need auto insurance or not? This blog is your guidebook. We have covered everything that you need to know about insurance for a learner’s permit. Keep reading till the end.

What is a Learner’s Permit?

A learner’s permit is a restricted license that is issued to a person who is currently learning to drive but has not yet met the requirements for a driver’s license. It must typically be held for a predetermined amount of time in addition to passing the road test and taking driving lessons in order to qualify for a driver’s license.

On average; there are more than 13 million young drivers on the road with or without learner permits.

A learner’s permit is often obtained after completing a written driving permit test, however, this differs from place to place. It also needs evidence of enrolment in a driving education course, as well as verification of age and identification (Drivers Ed)

Any learner, whether an adult or a student, should thoroughly examine the licensing and driving laws that apply in her particular state as part of the learning process. For example, driving age requirements for permits, probationary licenses, and basic licenses vary greatly by state.

Different standards are maintained for restricted licenses. A driver should:

  • Be the age requirement for testing
  • Take a test on a computer
  • Pass a 6-hour driving exam that is spread out over two days

Types of Insurance for Learner’s Permit Car Insurance

Two types on insurance covered under Learner’s permit car insurance.

  1. Enroll in an Adult’s Policy
  2. Buy a Teen Car Insurance Policy

Enroll in an Adult’s Policy

You’ll need a car insurance learner’s permit, but it needn’t be your own. Drivers can enroll in their parent’s coverage as they become more familiar with the laws of the road. The choices are still there for drivers who are unable or unwilling to join their parents’ coverage.

The requirements for when learners must be included in a policy vary depending on the insurance provider, and many of them provide discounts to help offset the high expense of insuring drivers who have learner’s licenses.

Buy a Teen Car Insurance Policy

Adding a learning driver to the family policy might increase your premium by more than 30%. That is why some drivers prefer buying teen car insurance policy for the learning driver separately.

Before you or your adolescent begins driving with a learner’s permit, you will require some type of insurance since you must be covered in order to operate a vehicle lawfully. A driver must have an insurance driver’s permit even if they are just partially licensed.

How to get a Learner’s Permit Car Insurance?

Even though your adolescents have fewer driving rights, learners permit holders still need insurance. They require the financial protection that insurance offers since they are just as prone to mishaps.

Drivers with learner’s permits are typically teenagers who reside with their parents. When they get their learner’s permit, these young drivers are often protected by their parents’ coverage for learner’s permit car insurance and do not need to purchase their own policy.

1. Check if you can add yourself to an adult’s existing policy

It is customary for car insurance companies to let consumers add drivers with learner’s permits car insurance to a current policy, but the new driver often has to live in the same home and drive a vehicle that is already protected by the policy.

Getting insurance for permit drivers may necessitate making changes to your current policy or purchasing a new policy entirely if the new driver lives somewhere else or is operating an uninsured vehicle by following steps to switch car insurance from parents.

2. Try to get your own policy (can be teenage driver policy)

With merely a learner’s permit, it is still possible to get auto insurance, although there may be more restrictions than if you had a regular driver’s license.

The motorist may be required to obtain a full driver’s license within a predetermined time period, such as within 30 days of receiving a car insurance learner’s permit if the insurer does agree to cover a permit driver.

3. Find a co-sign for the policy

Considering that the permit driver is still a juvenile if the permit driver is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian will likely need to co-sign the insurance contract.

Furthermore, the permit driver’s monthly premium could be more expensive than the premium for a licensed driver. The insurance provider may insist that the permit driver resides with the principal policyholder if you are introducing a permit driver to a current policy.

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How Much Does Car Insurance Cost With Learner’s Permit?

The best way to get affordable car insurance when you have a learner’s permit, also known as a provisional driver’s license, is to be added to a family member’s insurance policy. This can save a lot of money, especially for 16-year-olds who could save over $3,000 per year compared to buying their own insurance.

You can do this whether you share a car with a parent or another family member, or if you have your own car. The only thing you need is permission from your family member. It’s important to note that by adding you to their policy, they are taking on some risk. If you’re in an accident, it could increase the cost of the entire policy.

In most states, adding a teenager with a learner’s permit to your insurance policy usually doesn’t make your insurance costs go up. Insurance companies are generally not allowed to increase parents’ insurance rates until the new driver gets a full license. However, in Illinois, Indiana, and Maryland, it is legal for insurers to raise premiums when you add a teen with a learner’s permit.

The discounts that are offered to drivers may change based on their age. Relatively inexperienced motorists may reduce the price of their auto insurance by:

  • Good grades and maintaining a high-grade average will help drivers in high school and college be eligible for cheaper rates.
  • Avoiding occurrences that lead to citations, claims, and car crashes. Many businesses give drivers cheaper rates if they do not engage in dangerous habits over an extended period of time.
  • Permitting your insurer to keep an eye on your driving behaviors. It’s becoming more and more usual for insurers to offer cheaper insurance rates in return for your consent to the company’s rate-setting tracking of your driving styles, such as your speed, braking distance, and other factors.
  • You must complete a driving school that is approved. By having completed a basic or safe driving course offered by your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, you could be able to reduce the cost of your auto insurance with most providers.

Each state has its own minimum insurance requirements, but the proper quantity of coverage for your permit driver depends on your vehicle and the conditions. If your permit driver causes another motorist’s injuries or property damage, your liability insurance driver’s permit should be secured in quantities sufficient to safeguard your assets.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), teenagers are almost four times more likely than drivers aged 20 and above to be involved in a car accident.

Can you Buy and Register a Car with a Learner’s Permit?

If you have decent credit, buying a car with just a permit may not be too difficult. A different matter is whether you can lawfully register and insure the car. If you want the automobile to be licensed in your name, you’ll need a valid driver’s license because the registration process demands one.

If you purchase a vehicle without a current driver’s license, it must either be registered in your name alone or simultaneously with another driver who has a license.

Even if you merely have a permit, you will often be insured in terms of a car insurance learner’s permit. Of course, the vehicle must be insured, but permit holders do not need to be included in the policy.

In most circumstances, permit holders will be protected as an addition to their parent’s or guardian’s insurance for a learner’s permit. When you have a complete driving license, you must subsequently be included on the insurance.

Do Learner’s Permit Drivers need their own insurance?

If you have your own automobile, if it was a gift from your parents or maybe something you purchased before receiving your license, you will generally require car insurance even if you just have a learner’s permit.

In most cases, drivers who are just starting out don’t need to get their own insurance. Most often, a family member or acquaintance who is an experienced driver will be in the passenger seat while you practice driving in their car. In this situation, you are probably covered while you are studying under the owner of the car’s insurance.

In most situations, you must purchase coverage before you can register a car with your state and obtain license plates. Car insurance is needed in almost every state. However, young or inexperienced drivers must pay a high premium for auto insurance.

To make sure you are covered when driving, it is wise to phone the insurance. And bear in mind that, whether you’re a family member or merely a roommate, you’ll have to be included in the policy once you’ve finished your license exam if you reside with the owner of that automobile.

Is Learner’s Permit Car Insurance covered under the existing car insurance policy?

As most permit drivers should be qualified for coverage under a parent’s current insurance policy, getting insurance for learners to permit holders is often not difficult. This choice is typically regarded as the best one. In addition to being typically less expensive, shared insurance will provide the permit holder with the same benefits as the entire family.

Additionally, as soon as your permit driver is registered, they’ll begin accumulating insurance history, which will be useful should they decide to get their own insurance for a learner’s permit. Remember that certain businesses can want the learner to be listed on the auto insurance card.

What happens if you crash with a Learner’s Permit?

In 2022, a total of 2,032 drivers aged 15 to 20 died in car accidents.

A collision involving a young driver with a car insurance learner’s permit can be handled in the same way as any other car accident. Contact the cops, exchange information with the other driver, document the damage, and get any injuries evaluated. Notify your car insurance company of the incident as soon as possible.

If the young driver breached the learner’s permit car insurance restrictions, they will face penalties. The most prevalent offense we see is a teen driving alone without a licensed adult or parent in the automobile.

If a teen’s automobile accident causes significant harm or destruction, the driver’s parents may be held accountable. To prosecute the parents of a younger driver for compensation, however, you must demonstrate that the parents’ carelessness led to the teen’s automobile accident.

Do you have to add a child with a Learner’s Permit to your Car Insurance?

If your child has a driver’s license and resides in your home, they will almost certainly need to be added as a driver to your insurance. Your small child cannot obtain their own insurance coverage.

If your child resides in your home and drives a car you own, they must stay on your car insurance learners permit regardless of their age, but it is also economically profitable in many circumstances due to savings you may be qualified for.

When your child moves out on their own, they may be permitted to remain on your coverage or must obtain their own insurance driver’s permit, depending on the parameters of your state and insurance carrier.

While some individuals are concerned about the increased expenses of insuring a young driver, the rise in prices is for a purpose. Drivers between 16 to 24 are more inclined to take part in a fatal automobile accident, forgo the seatbelt, and get behind the wheel after using drugs, thus insurance firms charge higher rates to compensate for this risk. Insurance rates, on the other hand, tend to fall as drivers become older.

How does a spouse or significant other affect a learner’s permit car insurance?

If a person obtains a learner’s permit while wedded or living with a partner, they may be insured under unmarried couples’ combined car insurance plans on their partner’s policy.

Based on where the new driver resides, they may have to be included in the insurance driver’s permit coverage right away. In some regions, insurance for learner’s permit holders does not need to be updated until they are properly licensed.

It is critical to look around for vehicle insurance because rates for new drivers are often higher. Less experience increases the likelihood of being in an accident or earning a traffic penalty. In most cases, married couples pay less for car insurance than single. Car insurance firms assume that married individuals drive more safely, thus their premiums are lower.

Frequently Asked Questions about Car Insurance for Learner’s Permit

  • Do you need car insurance with a learner’s permit?

    Yes. Usually, when your adolescent earns a learner’s permit, they can be put into parents’ car insurance coverage. As their driving will be restricted and will only take place with a qualified driver in the car, they will not be evaluated until they reach the age of 18 or obtain a valid driver’s license.

  • Would adding learners’ permitted drivers to a car insurance policy raise premiums?

    In order to acquire coverage, companies often need any driver, even minors with learner’s permits, to be enrolled in a household’s current policy. Adding learner’s permit drivers to a motor insurance policy does not boost rates; however, prices will rise once they are fully licensed.

  • Who can be in the car with a permit driver?

    The learner’s permit driver may not have any passengers for the first 180 days after receiving their license unless the riders are over the age of 25 and have a legitimate driver’s license. To know more, contact the insurance companies that accept permits.

  • Do I get any discount for a new driver?

    Many car insurance companies that accept permits provide discounts to assist families to handle the high expenses of insuring a teen driver. Inquire with your insurer about these discounts:
    1. Having to live away from home
    2. Excellent grades
    3. Paying in advance
    4. Driving lessons
    5. Devices for tracking

  • Does my child need car insurance with a learner’s permit?

    Teen drivers must have adequate auto insurance. Though price hike is a regular issue, automobile insurance providers know that claims for accidents are more likely to be covered. We recommend dealing with car insurance companies that accept permits, one that provides comprehensive coverage, and one that offers savings that can assist you to manage car insurance with a learner’s permit.

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  • Visited the CDC website to understand the rate of accidents with new drivers as compared to old drivers on 5th July 2022.
  • Referred to IIHS website to check the number of deaths related to teen driving on 5th July 2022.
  • Read an article on Edgar Snyder about young drivers in the USA on 5th July 2022.

Editorial Guidelines: The above is meant as general information to help you understand the different aspects of auto insurance. This information does not refer to any specific auto insurance policy. Coverages and other features vary between insurers, vary by state, and are not available in all states. References to costs of coverages/repair, average or typical premiums, amounts of losses, deductibles, etc., are indicative and may not apply to your situation. We encourage you to speak to our insurance representative and to read your policy contract to fully understand your coverages.

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Randy Luton is the Founder and CEO of RateForce. He is passionate about InsurTech services and has in-depth knowledge about the auto insurance sector of the USA.